Family Law – Dealing with child custody, support and alimony


What is Family Law?

When a couple with children understand, the most difficult issues to resolve in general involve custody decisions. Such cases fall under the banner of family law, miniature concerned with issues such as marriage, divorce, adoption, child custody, child support and other issues that have families.

in some but not all states, does relate solely to family law be heard in a special court as a family court. States that use the family courts in New York, Hawaii, Delaware, Maine and North Carolina. In other states, the circuit courts handle family law and other legal matters.

Family Law and custody agreements

Nearly all courts encourage parents to come up with a child custody without judicial intervention. Parents can design a program themselves or with the assistance of a trained professional mediator.

In cases when parents for whatever reason not to agree on the arrangements, the court will come to a decision for them using a standard that considers the best interests of the child. Each state has its own laws which set out the criteria that determine how the standard should be set in these songs share one basic assumption: Except in cases where a parent has been convicted of a crime involving violence or sexual abuse, it is generally accepted that the interests of the child are ongoing contact with both parents. This means that custody will be shared in some way, whether your child spends time with both parents on an equal footing or one of the parents retain physical custody and the other has visitation.

Other factors a court assess in determining child custody are:

  • capacity of each parent to provide a safe, secure environment.
  • The extent to which parents are able to work together to ensure the best interests of their child.
  • If a parent has acted as the primary caretaker.
  • For a child older than 12, own wishes.

partner Support (Alimony)

Another issue is within the jurisdiction of family law partner support or alimony. Child support efforts to reduce the negative economic impact that divorce can have a spouse who either is not earning a salary or earning lower wages than the erstwhile his or her spouse.

Courts have considerably more autonomy in the allocation of child support than they have in the awarding custody. The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act, adopted by many countries as a model in this regard, suggests that the following criteria evaluated in determining child support

  • National marriage.
  • Standard death to live through the marriage /
  • Age, financial and physical and emotional condition of the spouse /
  • length of time it would take for non-earning or less earning spouse to become financially independent /
  • capacity spouse charged with making payments to support both spouses receiving alimony and himself.


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